Monday, 2 November 2009


媽媽咳到肺也差點甩出來,但由再醫術精湛的神醫所配的靈丹妙藥,也絕對不會比兒子在臨睡前的溫柔提點:“媽媽 go drink medicine." 有效囉。


Unknown said...

1 1, you are so sweeeeeeeeeet!
Oli, take care!

Oli said...

Thank you Sis!! I'm drinking yucky chinese medicine and hopefully the cough will go away soon.

Unknown said...

Oli, how's your cough? Hope the yucky chinese medicine did what it's supposed to do and you are all better now!

Happy birthday, 1 1 !!! 三歲啦!大個仔啦!繼續 sweet sweet 對媽媽阿! :D

Happy birthday, cousin 1 1 ! From Jayden & Aiden